Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Newest Project

I have tried to dedicate this blog simply to crocheting, mainly because it is honestly my first love and I'd rather do it than sleep most of the time, but I foresee myself veering from this very soon. As you may or may not know, I have been trying my hand at quilting.... so far it has been simple mini pillows, but I am in the works of creating my very first hand stitched quilt.

I first learned how to do a  running stitch (straight stitch) while in my 6th grade art class. For one of our projects my teacher showed us how to hand cut, iron, piece, and sew our own throw pillows. I got a 89 which I'm still secretly proud of. After this, I hung up my needle and thread and never tried to sew again until earlier this year when I was determined to crochet a few purses. All of my work is hand stitched, no sewing machine has ever been under my fingers and the work shows it, lol.

I want to post my work here as well without creating yet another blog for this, although I do want to keep my book reviews on a separate page. It's just easier that way. I have all of my mini pillows posted on my Facebook page under the album "Completed Crafts" which you can find here : Click Me! and also on my Google+ profile which can also be found by clicking here : Yoo-hoo, over here!!!!. My ultimate goal is to get so comfortable and to hone this skill enough to make an interlocking wedding ring quilt (by hand) like my Nana used to make.

I do have to give credit where credit is due and thank all of my Google+ friends for dealing with my insane and never ending questions about every step I took to make these, as well as Missouri Star Quilting Company for their brilliant YouTube tutorials.... They are located here. :) Between 4 children (aged 3-11), a fiance, household work, school, writing, crocheting, and as always reading, I have yet another thing to add to my daily regimen.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I bid you adieu with this last phrase.... happy crafting everyone!