Saturday, April 30, 2016

Review: A Pledge of Passion

A Pledge of Passion A Pledge of Passion by Victoria Vane
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Mediocre, Bland, Boring, Predictable.... the list goes on and on. There really isn't much I can say about this book in a positive light. It moves as slow as molasses, the characters are unbelievable, and the dialogue is beyond pathetic.

I want to write a lengthy review on how much this book irritated me, but it isn't worth the energy. I will say this, I wasted almost a week trudging through this mess trying to hold out for that silver lining that would somehow make everything ok. It never came.

I recieved a free AREC from

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Review: The Broken One

The Broken One The Broken One by Christine H. Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Someone could have told me that this book was based on true events and I would have believed them. What I liked most about this book is how the author left us with questions. The ending offered no real closure, instead forcing us to either be ok with the world being how it truly is or get mad and demand the author wrap this story up in a nice little package. Usually, endings like this drive me insane, but since it fit the story I have no issue with it. By writing, and ending, the story the way she did, the author forces the reader to remember that sometimes in life there is no real closure. Sometimes you have to make peace with all the crap life throws at you and move on. I could have liked to know how Ferris and Jun processed everything, but I guess it will just have to be another one of those "suck it up" moments.

Every character stayed true to themselves, but there were a few ends that were left unnecessarily untied....

1. Why did Dad and Lucy need to have the engagement party so soon?
2. How did Jun feel about the whole Paul situation?

I guess we may never know.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Review: Much Ado About Highlanders

Much Ado About Highlanders Much Ado About Highlanders by May McGoldrick
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you for a free ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. I didn't like it, but I didn't dislike it. This is one of those books that could have gone either way, but just stayed neutral for me. The conflict was the same throughout the book. There really wasn't anything to break up the monotony of it. Each couple had experiences so similar, it was as if the writer just gave up trying to make the couples unique from one another.

I did like reading about the Relics and their powers, but there was very few scenes in which Kenna's relic was actually used. I wanted to scream I was so frustrated with this book. If you're looking for a romance story with a bit of something extra thrown in for the sake of a story line, then look no further. If you want a book that engages you and pulls you back to it each time you put it down, I suggest you pass on this book. Hopefully the next book in this series is better than this one, but somehow I doubt it will be.

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Review: Forever in Love

Forever in Love Forever in Love by Leeanna Morgan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is wonderful. Beautifully written, engaging plot, believable characters, as well as believable situations. However, like a lot of books out there, I didn't see much growth in the characters. This story was more about the two main characters coming to terms with the craziness life has shown them and their feelings for one another, but Amy didn't seem like she had grown much in the 9 years she had been away. I get that certain people and/or places have a way of taking you back to another time in your life, but there is no way that a 27 year old woman who is in the situation that Amy is will still think and act like an 18 yr old. Life happens and we change, that's just the way of it.

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Review: The All-Star Antes Up

The All-Star Antes Up The All-Star Antes Up by Nancy Herkness
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received a free ARC from in exchange for my honest opinion.

I really wanted to like this book, but it is moving so slowly. Not to mention this book is a total cliche. Totally sexy athlete falls hard for small town girl trying to make it in the big city.... C'mon now, there has to be a better story line out there somewhere!

The chemistry between our main characters felt forced and, in my opinion, completely unbelievable. I saw that this is the second book in a series, but after this fiasco, I have no desire to read anything else associated with the "Wager of Hearts" books.

Just to be clear, I DNF-ed at 40%.

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Friday, April 8, 2016

Review: The Redemption of Julian Price

The Redemption of Julian Price The Redemption of Julian Price by Victoria Vane
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Thank you to for the free ARC of this book.

Have you ever just hung out with your bestfriend doing nothing all day, and when your mom asks you what you were up to, you can't remember? That's precisely my dilemma here. I enjoyed reading a book where the female character isn't afraid to speak openly about her sexual curiosity, yet at the same time I was flipping back pages trying to see if I skipped something important.

Outside of Henrietta's curiosity and desire for Julian, there is no story plot. Oh, there is definitely more the author could have expanded on, but it seems like she got wrapped up in these two and forgot everything else.

The writing was neat, the dialogue and characters stayed true to the individual and the reader does see where the author tries to tie up loose ends, but there just isn't enough meat to this book for me to give it the full 3 stars I think it could be worth.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Review: Along Came Mr. Right

Along Came Mr. Right Along Came Mr. Right by Gerri Russell
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received a free ARC from

I skimmed, I yawned. I skimmed, I yawned. I read... well, you can guess the rest. Honestly the only things I liked where the final acknowledgements and Paige's character. Everything else just felt forced. Olivia felt so attracted to Max because he was attractive and smelled like oranges? Seriously, take the girl to an orange grove and let her loose so she'll leave the "engaged" man alone. I also had such a hard time with how everyone had (at some point or other) the same epiphanies, the same mode of thinking and the same speech patterns. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't get lost in the "romance" and Annalise wasn't the only one I was tired of by the end of this book.

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Review: Shadows of Jane

Shadows of Jane Shadows of Jane by Amy Hale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Free ARC provided by Beware as review may contains spoilers.

Have you ever read a book and once finished you immediately wanted to start the next book in the series? That is how I felt about this book! I finished it in under 5 hours (dedication, story, acknowledgements .... everything. I just couldn't stop reading it and you have no idea how heartbroken I am over the fact that the second installment hasn't even been written yet.

This was my first experience with this author, and I gotta tell you, it has left me hungry for more. In the beginning, I wasn't sure how I would like the whole amnesia shtick, but Ms. Hale really pulled it off. More than anything, I found myself really connecting with "Jane" and loved her transformation at the end. I mean, who hasn't felt broken or like a freak at least once in their life?

Jane's abilities was another are that I was apprehensive about at first. The story read like it was a real, modern day setting and there is no way that if the things she could do were really happening that people would just stand by and be ok with it. Again, Ms. Hale did an amazing job of not only having Jane handle her new found abilities, but in showing the reader just how people would really handle the news. I applaud her for being realistic while at the same time taking me on this fantastic journey.

Suffice it to say, I am now a fan of not only this book, but of Ms. Hale and I pray she doesn't disappoint with the next book.

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