Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The title is an understatement, I'm in so much love with these dresses that I can barely contain me happiness! What makes me so happy about these dresses? There are a few actually....

1. They are the simplest dress I have ever tried to make.

2. C'mon, they're adorable and you know it.

3. This is the first dress pattern that I have been successful in following the pattern through and having the end result look the way it's meant to look.

If you are interested in making one of your own, you can download the free pattern here:, though I do have to tell you, on row 3 it's meant to read "dc into the next 10 dc", but she has written 12.

Above me you see a baby dress made of Lion Brand yarn and a 3.50 mm crochet hook. It worked up to be a newborn size. I worked the first row of clusters in the white I used for the bodice and ruffle just to give the bodice a bit more length and a deeper look to it. The newborn size is also a perfect fit for most baby dolls!

Below you see the same pattern worked up using a 5.00 mm hook and Red Heart yarn. I had a request from my cousin to make a "hunting party" dress for her 3 month old, it didn't hurt the fact that I loved these colors so much together. :)

Making these was a big step for me, my skills have never been advanced enough to get this far. After so many failed attempts at trying to create beauty with my crochet, I settled for just making the easy and bland. Although this pattern is very simple, the fact that I witnessed me skill improving before my eyes was an amazing feeling. I also overcame my fear of failing at this pattern. Not only that, but I came to a part in the pattern that I discovered was a miscount ( as you've already read ) and I was able to figure out my next step on my own. Not a big deal you say? A HUGE leap for me.

I hope that each and every one of you that stumbles across this post attempts this pattern. Even if you have no females in your life what so ever. Make one and donate it to Goodwill. The mothers are always thrilled at these dresses and you'll be making something meaningful. :)

Happy Crocheting!