Inside Scoop

I am a proud mama, an avid reader, a big sister, and a supporting wife.

Social Media
Playing with my kids
Catching up with my sister

Pet Peeves:
Judgmental people
Bad drivers
Nail biting
Noisy eaters

My first and forever love in the crafting field is crocheting. I am forever on the lookout for new patterns, and have recently decided to challenge myself. I love getting feedback from interested parties, and I'm thinking about starting a whole different sort of style,

A hippy at heart, I am loving my journey through life so far.... the good and the bad. I love going back over my earlier work and seeing just how far I've come. I have a beautiful family that inspire me everyday, and I'd be delighted if you'd follow along with me and see what kind of mess I've gotten myself into this time. :)

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