Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back in the swing of things....

Since the move last month everything (save for a few of my books) have remained in their boxes. I have finally unpacked enough so that I can get back to what I do best, crocheting. There is so much I want to do but with a 3 year old, the addition of 3 other children, and a wedding to plan I don't seem to have much motivation at the moment. The good news is that fall is quickly approaching and I can't wait for the cool autumn air as well as all those beautiful colors. Autumn truly is the most inspiring time of the year.

Now, all my preparation and sacrifice will finally pay off and I can pick up where I left off, although I do have some projects lined up. :) I feel I will never be able to get caught up. I have 10 new books on my dresser, 18 on my Kindle, 30 on my e-reader, and 8 projects lined up before the end of the year. I know these numbers will only increase as the year progresses, but what can I do really? *shrugs shoulders* There is so many wonderful things to learn and do and I feel I will never have the time to complete them all.

Wish me luck fellow bloggers/crafters. I am going to need all the help I can get. :)

PS: I plan on using  few weeks at one point to do nothing but improve my skills. I will be making swatches of patterns that are either labeled advanced or intermediate. It is time to branch out and stop playing it safe.

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