Friday, October 3, 2014

Making a Come Back.... Soapbox Style

Hello again my lovelies! My oh my has it been a long time since I've written to you! There has been so much going on since my last post, A LOT of nausea for one and trying to find good quality baby furniture at better quality prices. As I got caught up in day-to-day life, I fear I have neglected you all and I'm here to make it up to you.

For those of you who know me, I'm pretty much your average stay-at-home mom. I love all of my babies and I'm beyond excited to welcome our newest edition next year. There are so many things to create, so many books to read, and so many memories to store away for my future self. One thing has become constant in my life though, and that is joy. Oh you can be an unhappy person, but true joy is what I'm talking about.

I discovered a few years back that no matter what life throws at me, I'm not going to stay down. If I have an argument, I say what I have to an then move on, I see no reason to stay angry about something I've already argued over. Sure, things bother me.... I'm not Wonder Woman. I've just learned that I only really need very little in life. All of those emeralds and rubies are beautiful and all, but small things like my kids buying my favorite books for me brings me more joy than those gems ever could.

Many of you may or may not know that I'm still attending school. At 24, this isn't a big surprise, but I didn't decide to go back for me. I decided to go back for my youngest son. There are things I need to teach him, important life lessons that I fear the past few generations have failed to pass on. My son needs to see that in this world of instant gratification, there is nothing worth getting if it's not earned. Life is not a handout, and I feel it is my responsibility to teach my son the importance of hard work.

My past is my anchor, keeping me grounded with all of the good experiences as well as the bad. The good gives me strength while the bad motivates me to push harder. Will all my hard work be worth it? Absolutely. Whether my children choose to follow my lead or not, I can rest easy knowing I did everything in my power to guide them in the right directions, and that ladies and gentlemen, is real joy.

Well, it's about that time when I have to wrap up my tale, publish this blog and get on with the rest of my day. Before I go, I'd like to say one last thing. Even if you find yourself in the darkest of darks, the lowest of lows, or you simply think I'm talking nonsense, just remember that there will always be a reason to push forward and keep trying. If you haven't found your joy, then it's time to move on to something else. Life is to short to waste one precious breath on negativity.

Goodbye my darlings, and as always, happy crafting everyone.

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