Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bookshelf Curtains

Anyone who knows me knows that I value my books above all of my other material possessions. I own more than one bookshelf in my home, and both are filling up fast. With all of these books I am always on the lookout for new ways on how to care for my books.

For those of you who have read my blog before, you will remember that I purchased books from my local thrift store where the spines had a line drawn in marker. I was on Google trying to find a way to rid my precious books of these unsightly marks when I stumbled across a webpage that explained how light was the #1 cause of damage to books. (I would have guessed children where the #1 cause) So, I set off to make to explore ways to keep the light, especially natural light, off of my books. That's when I came up with the idea for bookshelf curtains!

I stared with 2 yards of fabric, measured out the size I wanted the curtain to be, and cut. I know that the selvage is meant to be cut off, but I really don't mind it so much. I'm only going to fold all f the edges down and sew them so it makes no difference to me on projects like this one. I could have easily cut the fabric down so that I wouldn't have so much hangover, but I think some nice embroidery or applique on the top will bring it all together.

This fabric was featured in another blog as part of my "new stash", and I just can't get enough of it. The pattern is so simple and retro, while the texture is simply divine! I loved working with this fabric and even saved enough to make an adorable baby skirt, which I hope to post soon.

There is one area that is still up for debate. My husband pointed out that since the fabric is white, the light can still penetrate and reach my books. He suggested adding a liner to my fabric. Either cotton on the back, or lace in the front; something to give it that extra layer of protection. I, on the other hand, think it looks great just the way it is.

What are your thoughts on my new curtains? As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated. I look forward to reading what all you have to say. Happy crafting everyone!

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